As some of you know, our very own Viz Cheerleaders were on 5 on your side about a month ago. They took a red and white trolley downtown to the news station, where they went live with KSDK. They were in the background of the early morning news segment cheering and chanting outside. Additionally, they were in two live segments! In the begginging segments they did their “band chant” outside before recording the news for the day.
Then for the later segment, the Newscaster, Mary, interviewed two cheerleaders from the team. Mary interviewed a freshmen, Liliana, and Katherine, a senior. They both talked about how the season is going and their big performance at Fall Fest! Visitation got their first Fall Fest promo on live television, thank you Katherine! After the interview, the cheerleaders taught the Newscaster one of our vary own cheers at Viz.
It was a great experience for our Viz cheerleaders and a great way for them to celebrate national spirit day for Varsity sports! They ended the day by visiting the arch and having a team lunch!